We offer centre and community-based music therapy services in Auckland, the Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay and Northland. More information on our locations can be found here.

Individual sessions

The majority of our clients attend weekly, individual sessions. Once a child or adult is referred to the centre, a consultation takes place to assess their needs and the potential for music therapy to help them grow and develop. If it is decided that music therapy is the right fit, the child or adult is scheduled for sessions with a Registered Music Therapist at a location and time of the week convenient for the family. In most instances, there are session times available and music therapy sessions can commence in a matter of weeks.

Most sessions are one-on-one and 30-40 minutes in length. However, please let the consulting therapist know if you think the client would get more benefit from a paired or group session or from a session of a different length. Additionally, it is important to know that the focus of music therapy sessions is not to teach a child or adult how to play a particular instrument or how to read music. In some cases though, music therapy may provide a stepping stone towards music lessons and you’re welcome to discuss specific musical instrument interests during the consultation or later in the therapy process.

There is normally an eight session assessment period once music therapy begins. Goals and focus areas are developed in consultation with the family during an assessment review meeting at the end of this time period.

The therapy process is supported by:

  • audio-visual recordings of most sessions. The therapist is then able to review sessions where necessary and view responses outside of the session.

  • notes taken at each session, to record progress

  • progress reports produced every term, measuring achievement and, where appropriate, reassessing goals

  • optional progress review meetings at six month intervals during which the therapist shares video footage and progress towards goals with family member

  • input from the therapist into care planning, e.g. Individual Education Programme, Rehabilitation Plans

  • liaison between the music therapist and other therapists and professionals, e.g teachers, key workers

  • a closing report at the end of therapy, identifying goals achieved and recommendations for the future

Group sessions

Raukatauri’s group music therapy sessions allow children and adults to develop communication and socialisation skills within a motivating and supportive musical environment. We are happy to work with your community group or network of families to design group programming to meet your needs at any of our locations.  We may also be able to offer existing group sessions for your child or adult client and can discuss these options with you when you attend the consultation meeting. 

Outreach programmes

As well as providing music therapy sessions at our Centre and satellite locations, we also deliver music therapy sessions via outreach programmes to schools, adult day programmes, rehabilitation units and hospitals.

At these facilities, our therapists deliver individual and group sessions for both fixed periods of time (typically 6-12 months) and for ongoing music therapy. Therapists contribute weekly progress notes for clients and also provide facilities and families with full progress reports, typically at 6 month intervals.

If you are a school, disability or health care organisation and are interested in starting a music therapy outreach programme, you can email us on info@rmtc.org.nz or give us a call on 09 360 0889.

Holiday programmes

Rather than quieting down during the school holidays, our Registered Music Therapists make sure that we have special programmes on offer for the whole family during school breaks. From drumming circles to groups for pre-schoolers, there’s something different happening during each term break so please check our Facebook page to see what’s on offer. We also provide music therapy holiday programmes for partner organisations, such as Northland Down syndrome Association, Wilson Home Trust and Cerebral Palsy Society so please be in touch if you’d like us to design something specifically for your organisation.